100 Days of Javascript

Welcome to 100 Days of Javascript!

I’ve danced and dabbled with Javascript for years. Plain old javascript, JQuery, Angular, Vue, along with an assortment of other frameworks. But I still consider myself a Javascript newbie. I know enough to be dangerous, but don’t trust myself with the “bigger decisions”. Today I’ve decided to take the necessary steps to change this.

I am embarking on a journey to remake myself as a Javascript expert. I will dig deeply into the bigger frameworks (Svelte, React, Vue, Typescript, etc). Additionally, I will explore “side missions”, and gain familiarity with smaller frameworks and topics. There seems to be no shortage of JS frameworks, tools, and concepts to write about, and more are added every day. I’m considering this an open-ended adventure, and am in it for the long haul. It’s possible the day could come when I’ll have “JAVA” and “SCRIPT” tatooed across my knuckles.

My goal is ambitious, and I don’t think 100 days will be enough. However, it will establish the necessary regiment, build my “learning endurance”, and provide future direction after the first 100 days. I will attempt to devote at least 30 minutes each day to this endeavour. As part of the effort, I will track my progress and future ideas in this Google Sheet.

The Blog

Along the way, I will also document my journey here, in this blog. These posts may be as brief as a short paragraph, like a diary (“Today, I learned XYZ. Here are a few sentences describing what it does”). Or there may be a series of posts about a single, larger concept (“Svelte. It’s Sveltey”). I’m initially playing this loose, and won’t strictly define the format. Style and format may evolve with time, though. I will make every attempt to introduce new information with my posts, rather than rehashing instruction manuals. I will be writing for volume, rather than perfection. So there may be some uncomfortable sentences. How awkward.

Building An Audience

As an auxiliary experiment alongside the blog, I’ll be sharing my posts on social media, primarly Twitter and LinkedIn. My goal is to build an audience, and establish myself as a respected Javascript resource. I reserve the right to write about this process as well. It won’t all be Javascript. In fact, if I am thinking about ham sandwiches on a particular day, I will write about ham sandwiches. For they are the fuel that powers my learning about Javascript.

A Gripping Svelte Drama

I’ve been playing with Svelte recently, and I’m planning to start the exploration there. Svelte’s documentation is already top notch. If I’m going to add to it (rather than restate it), I’ll need to be creative. Perhaps a story about a company considering it for their tech stack (ala The Pheonix Project?). Will the hero of our story convince the stodgy corporate muckety-mucks to embrace something new and bold? Will he impress his cute co-worker over in accounting? Will Marty’s fiction suck?! Only time will tell!

Thoughts & Notes

I’m planning on including a “thoughts & notes” section at the end of some posts. Some sort of meta “here’s what I was thinking when I wrote this post” concept. Not considered part of the post itself - more like footnotes. You are reading an example of this right now. You still are, whether you want to or not. You cannot look away.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading this far. It ain’t gonna be pretty at times, but hopefully I can provide enough value and entertainment to keep you coming back for more.

Please DM me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/MartyIce) with any feedback, suggestions, and questions.

Happy reading!

Written on December 5, 2020