Hello loyal blog readers! I know you’ve been eagerly awaiting another post from me, I apologize for taking so long. I had (once again) let blogging fall to the wayside, but I’m working with my son Mark (junior in high school), learning about programming and robotics. He has many interests, but for now, is thinking Computer Engineering. I’d be remiss to not try and teach him some of what I know.
As part of that journey, I’ve encouraged him to create a jekyll blog in Github. So what better time to dust mine off!
Mark and I have committed to working for 30 minutes a day on anything and everything related to “learning robotics”. This includes:
- Git and Github
- Python ev3dev
- Basic programming skills, including design patterns
- Project mgmt
- Blogging
- Video blogging (that will be his department, I’m too old and crusty)
- Whatever else
Very excited about this - he’s going to learn a ton, I’m going to learn alot as well, we’ll get some bonding time in, and hopefully we’ll set him up for success in college!